Friday, December 5, 2008

Thanksgiving at the Meek House 2008

Daddy busted out the smoker and decided to smoke his first turkey this year. It smelled so good, I left puddles of drool behind every step I took. Uncle Tevye came over first and then Aunt Robin joined us a bit later, it was quite a house full and I was super excited to have so many friends to play with. After the food was all done, they ate big plates of food, that I stared at intently hoping something would fall to the floor. Aunt Robin even went back for seconds...she never did that before. After too much beer and wine, Mommy and Daddy realized they forgot to take a picture of the finished product, but you can see the pretty bird as went on the smoker in these pics. I have alot to be thankful chewies, my sqeaky ball, my laser pointer, my treats...I could go on and on! So I hope everyone had a very Happy Thanksgiving! Love, B

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Living Room

A few weeks ago, Mommy and Daddy made a huge mess! They started with white, smelly stuff all over the walls...and then they added some layers of red, smelly stuff. If I read the can correctly (I am only 4), I think it was called paint. It took them all weekend, and I felt completely left out and ignored. The smell made me a little sick...I chunked a few times, and that was the most attention I got all weekend. Now, Mommy keeps rearranging the furniture, and I get to couch surf when she drags them across the floor...woo hoo! I have to admit the room looks the same to me, but they like it a whole lot.

Check out pictures of the new and improved Living Room.

Totally Gangster!

Yeah, right! As if anyone is going to believe I am gangster. They go to the store, claiming they are going to bring me a delicious treat...and this is what I get. Ok, I shivered a couple of times, because Mommy won't turn the heat up, but this is humiliating. Do you know how I know I'm gay...this red hoodie. I can't wait til they go to sleep tonight...I'll show them gangster!

Click here to see continued humiliation.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy Anniversary! Today is Mommy and Daddy's 5 year wedding anniversary, and the 4 year anniversary of my arrival to the Meek family. I guess I can give them the night off to go out to dinner...I am a good son. What is a wedding anyway? Can I get married...Mya is awfully cute, I like older women...ooooh!

Friday, November 14, 2008

They left me for a WEEK...

...I survived, but it was tough. Thank goodness Aunt Robin, Uncle Aaron, Rocky, and Mya kept me company while they were gone. They said they were finally going on their honeymoon after 5 years. I guess I should say "Happy Anniversary", but did you have to leave a brother for so long. When they came back, it was a joyous reunion, but they didn't even bring me a Jamaican treat. It looks like they had a good time in the pictures, but as you all know it's no party unless I am there...I would have looked super sweet tanning my white spots in swimming trunks!

Click here to see the honeymoon photos.

Oh the memories...trying to catch you guys up!

This is me as a wee you can see I have been spoiled from the beginning. But cut me some slack, it was a 2+ mile walk and I wasn't even a year old. What did they expect? The view from up here was great...I love Shelby Farms. I was keeping Daddy warm, I bet you can't guess how...hee hee!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Me...and them

Well, for starters, like I said in the intro, I am a Boston Terrier, but let me set the record straight. I have no affiliation to anything Boston at all. I could care less about the RedSox, Bruins, Patriots or anything else that is wicked ahhsome. I am from Mountain Lake, Missouri. The Bald Guy (we'll call him Daddy) told me it is somewhere near St. Louis. Born in October of 2004, moved to the Memphis area soon thereafter.

Daddy...Don't know, don't care. As long as he lets me out to drain the main vain, he's good by me. Um..what else about Daddy...? Well at night you can usually find him on the couch watching the box that lights up, and when it is early in the morning, I mean so early I am not even ready to go out and pee yet, but he gets up and goes somewhere. When he comes home he smells like food!!MMMMMM.....

The Lady (we'll call her Mommy), she lies in bed with me alittle more in the morning than Daddy does, and she by far is the one I suck up to the most. I just show her the face and yours truly gets what he wants. She dresses real nice, but I have no idea what that means. Rule of thumb..give the most kisses to the one who feeds you...Mommy gets the most kisses!!!

And it Begins...

So with a little help from the bald man who dangles treats infront of me after I come in from making a steaming mud pie and the sassy lady who feeds me and gives me fresh water and who lets me use her as my personal pillow at night, I have decided to put my life out there for all my millions of fans to read. Ok, really this is just my humans way to keep in touch with everyone who doesn't live in the area. But instead of it coming from them, they decided to be cute and make it seem like it is actually me, Butters..a Boston Terrier. And while some of you may find it funny, I think it's a bit sad, let me remind you they feed me and the lady is a fantastic pillow, so it begins...